Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Nights 229 and 230

Hi and welcome back!

My mom and I rode our bikes again on Sunday.  While we were going up a hill I saw a dog that looked like a very hairy yellow lab sitting on a porch.  It was looking the other way, but it must have heard me.  It turned around and started running after me.

Once it reached me, it ran next to me for about 30 feet.  It was trying to bite me, but thankfully it had a nylon muzzle on, so it couldn't open its mouth at all.  I started to ride as fast as I could, which was pointless, because the owner must have seen that it was gone.  She called for it, and it ran back to the porch.

Later, as we were riding over twin hills, I saw a rooster in the middle of the road.  I slowed down to get a closer look.  It watched me riding toward it, but for some reason it just stood there in the road watching me.  After I passed it it walked off the road, but for a minute I wondered if it was rabid, because it didn't move as I coming toward it pretty quickly.

Thanks for reading!